

{I LOVE my new camera!}

{Luco making snow angels today. He got stuck like that!}

We got about 4 inches of snow here last night. Malayna was so excited about it yesterday that when Jimmy got home from work they rushed outside to shovel and play in the snow.

Our old, 13-year-old dog Luco is like a puppy in the snow. It's so great to see him with so much energy, sticking his nose in the snow and then looking up with a face full of it. Today was supposed to be kindergarten registration day, but since our district has a two-hour delay, I'm not sure what's going on. Wouldn't you think the school district would put an announcement on their website? They're going to be getting lots of phone calls today…

{Malayna, Jimmy and Luco in the yard last night.}

Malayna and I went thrift-shopping yesterday. We got a low buffet/cabinet thingy to hold art supplies - they're overflowing! My plan was to paint it and get it organized today, so we'll see how that goes. One bad thing about living in a 100+-year-old house is that there are almost no closets. We have one downstairs for coats. We're constantly trying to think of new ways to store and organize things. With two collectors in the house, that's proving to be more and more difficult…


Check out Scoutie Girl today!

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