
Photo Friday

Malayna's first school birthday celebration was a big hit! I got there a little early and she and her classmates were still working on their secret holiday projects. Some were finished and waiting for the others, so one of her teachers asked me if I'd like to read the class a book. It was so nice to read to them and look over to see Malayna with a big, proud smile on her face. She was so happy I was there. When we were going home that day I told Malayna that I was glad I could be there with her and also read a story to the class. She said, "Me too. I like to hear your voice."

Earlier this week I decided that we needed a picture of Malayna and Luco for our Christmas cards. Ha! Malayna cooperated, Luco did not. I think he would've rather been sleeping. She loves the ones with him yawning. Which one do you like best?

{Making chocolate chip cookies for the school party.}

{Celebrating with friends.}

{The birthday girl.}

{One more try for that holiday picture.
Not quite what I was looking for…}

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