

{new magnet}

Hi all! I'm still here, just busy getting ready for my show on Sunday. This show is huge, so I'm getting a little nervous. Jimmy, Malayna and I went to this event last year, and it was super busy. My {very kind} friend Rose will be helping me with my booth - from setting up to selling to breaking down at the end of the day. It's a looooong day {set up starts at 6:30 am} and we'll be on our feet most of the time. We'll be busy selling out, right?!

If you live in the area, please stop by and say hello. It's a good event for kids - they have a pooch parade, moon bounces, sand art, and lots of other activities. Of course, there are lots of booths with stuff for your home and garden. Plants, too!

My booth will be on the 8300 block of Germantown Avenue, in front of Jenks School. Hope to see you there!

{PS: The raindate is May 18th. You can call the Business Association on Sunday morning to find out if the event is rescheduled. Their number is 215-247-6696.}


Anonymous said...

I need to carry that magnet around w/ me to constantly remind myself that all will be okay and just to breathe.

Jan said...

Good luck and fingers crossed for decent weather!