Photo Friday
Malayna's first school birthday celebration was a big hit! I got there a little early and she and her classmates were still working on their secret holiday projects. Some were finished and waiting for the others, so one of her teachers asked me if I'd like to read the class a book. It was so nice to read to them and look over to see Malayna with a big, proud smile on her face. She was so happy I was there. When we were going home that day I told Malayna that I was glad I could be there with her and also read a story to the class. She said, "Me too. I like to hear your voice."
Earlier this week I decided that we needed a picture of Malayna and Luco for our Christmas cards. Ha! Malayna cooperated, Luco did not. I think he would've rather been sleeping. She loves the ones with him yawning. Which one do you like best?
Let the birthday celebrations begin! Malayna will be five next Monday {the 22nd}, and today I'll be taking the cookies we made last night to school for a little birthday celebration. On Saturday we'll have family here for a little party; Sunday is her Little Gym party with all her friends; Monday is her birthday - Jimmy and I will give her presents that day and take her out to her favorite restaurant, Olive Garden. We'll probably have them sing to her - something that would've been a huge mistake last year.
I am so happy with the way she has matured the past year. She loves school, and last week when she had to stay home one day because she was sick, she was upset and said, "But I'll miss all the fun!" Her behavior is much more manageable than it was last year - there were times when we wouldn't do things because we were worried about how she would react. These past few months she has been a pleasure to be around. She's funny, sweet, smart, creative, curious and still very innocent. I love hearing what she has to say - about being five, what kinds of foods she likes and why, how much she wants a little brother {or a chihuahua}, how people who throw trash on the ground are litterbugs…
In a word, she is awesome.
Check out my Scoutie Girl post today!
Photo Friday (on Monday)
Sooooo… Let's just say that I'll be blogging less around the holidays. That way I don't have to keep apologizing for slacking!
Since I skipped Photo Friday {and someone was wondering where it was!}, here are some photos from the past week or so. I must say that I'm really happy I didn't schedule any more shows after November 30th. I'm enjoying my weekends with Malayna and Jimmy.
One week later…
Holy moly - it's been an entire week since I last posted?! I'll update you on the exciting things happening around here. {That was sarcasm…}
• We took the rocking chair out of Malayna's room this weekend. It was the last of the baby things left in her room, and we really haven't used it in a few months. She needs the space in her room for a Christmas present - a new baby doll crib. {Shhh - don't tell her!} We had a little goodbye ceremony - she and I sat in the chair and read some books. She also pretended she was a baby who was falling asleep in my arms. It was a little sad!
• We're planning Malayna's fifth birthday party. Will someone please tell me how she got to be FIVE? It's such a cliche, but the time really does go so fast. She wants to invite every child in her class, plus just about everyone she's ever met.
• We attended a birthday party this past weekend and I was reminded {again} of why I have one child. Enough said.
• I'm addicted to Facebook.
• Today I'll be working on a few clock orders and doing some sketches for Christmas presents. I also have about five hundred errands to run, so wish me luck.
Have a good Monday!
Shows and the holidays
Now is the time of year when I'm usually busy every weekend with shows, and busy making things all hours of the day and night to keep my inventory stocked. This year is different. I purposely did not schedule any more shows after yesterday's Holiday Trunk Show. I want to be able to enjoy the holidays without being away from Jimmy and Malayna every weekend. I want to actually send Christmas cards. I want to decorate the house before December 24th. I may even go to a few craft shows as a customer.
Malayna and I started decorating over the weekend, and even made our first batch of holiday chocolate chip cookies {many more to come!}. We'll do more decorating this coming weekend, and we may even get our tree.
Since I don't have any more shows, I'm going to concentrate on getting my designs ready for Printsource NY in January. I'll also be updating my website, something I haven't done in months. After the update, I'll be having a sale - so check back here later in the week for the scoop.
Have a good Monday!