

One of my favorite things to do with Malayna these days is to go thrift shopping. Being the pack rat that she is, searching through other people's junk is right up her alley. {I take full blame for passing on the collector gene.}

Yesterday Aidan and Wendy came along to our favorite thrift shop. Wendy really liked it and scored a few great finds, including a big ceramic bowl for about $2. Malayna and I came home with the following things {for a mere $15!}:

{The game "Ants in Your Pants". Played with no pants on, of course.}

{Chutes and Ladders and Spirograph. Remember Spirograph?!
That one's for me.}

{Lots of books.}

{Two large wooden bowls. I'll use these for snacks when we have parties.
We use plastic ones from the Dollar Store now -
I can't wait to get rid of them!}

{Small pitcher for cream.}


beki said...

Those are great finds! Lily loves to come thrifting with me, too.

Barb Smith said...

There is nothing in the world better than thrift store shopping and coming home with great finds. (I LOVE the wooden bowls..and the pitcher is gorgeous, too!)