
daddy saw a bear

Malayna has been drawing faces and bodies for a while now. Usually it's from her imagination - meaning she's not copying something she's seen.

{"daddy when he saw a bear"}

She made this drawing a few weeks ago when we were at a holiday party. While she was drawing she told me that this was "daddy when he saw a bear." I instantly knew what she was talking about. We have a few Todd Parr books, one of them being "This is My Hair." Here's the page she was referring to:

She added a few extras - like daddy's moustache and beard. She was so proud of herself when she finished!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's adorable - and great that you knew what she was getting at! Ellie has what she calls her "Facebook." It's basically page after page of faces she's drawn, depicting everyone in our family. The funny thing is, every single one looks the same - each page just has a different name on it! I love this early art! (k)